Quow's Moo Stuff:
Quow Go Moo

Plugin Overview

Pre-Configured MUSHclient
MUSH 5.06 Disc Package

Screenreader Portable Pack

Mushclient Plugins
Cow Bar & Minimap v4.94

Spellcheck & Mindspace v3.11

Mission & Job Timers v1.21

Klein Bottle Helper v0.06

EFF Stats & Advice v0.15

Sample Colour Triggers v0.07

Simple Web-Tools:
Quow's Cow Search

Simple Mindspace Calc

Simple Spellcheck

Quow's Cow Bar Database Search:
'portable running water shield'
Description: You've seen some weird inventions in your time, but this one really takes the cake for stupid creations. You can't see any trademark but you just know that it's got to be a Johnson job. This shield consists of a small round moat-like affair, with a tiny treadmill-run water mill inside which a mouse-sized imp is imprisoned. The moat is full of water, and the imp treadmill makes the water run around the circle. Apparently it's meant to be a kind of shield against zombies, who supposedly can't cross running water. It is hellishly heavy and looks as though it would fall apart with one good thwack.

Appraise: The portable running water shield is about two and a half feet long and about two feet wide. It is made of copper and looks like it could be held as a shield.

Weight: 8 1/9 lb

Value: A$25

1: Uberwald Region - Blackglass undead defence shop@ LC 5|3|10 1/2

No NPCs recorded with item

Search Quow's Cow Bar Database:
(hint: can't find your item? try 'silk trousers' instead of 'black silk trousers', it may be listed as '[colour] silk trousers' due to random colours etc.)

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