Quow's Moo Stuff:
Quow Go Moo

Plugin Overview

Pre-Configured MUSHclient
MUSH 5.06 Disc Package

Screenreader Portable Pack

Mushclient Plugins
Cow Bar & Minimap v4.94

Spellcheck & Mindspace v3.11

Mission & Job Timers v1.21

Klein Bottle Helper v0.06

EFF Stats & Advice v0.15

Sample Colour Triggers v0.07

Simple Web-Tools:
Quow's Cow Search

Simple Mindspace Calc

Simple Spellcheck

Quow's Cow Bar Database Search:
[strange alleyway]
NPCs Recorded Here:
well-groomed wizard
Items Sold Here:
Klein bottle cosy@ S11|44de
[colour] glass nugget@ 2M S14|56de
[colour] sliver of octiron@ 2M S43|22de
balsa wand@ 13M S40|35de
blue crystal ring@ 5M S39|31de
blue funnel@ 26de
long white wand@ S39|51de
mobius strap@ S11|44de
oak wand@ S4|1de
purple mineral nugget@ 3M S7|53de
red staff@ 1M S13|2de
ring of energy@ 7M S23|79de
ring of power@ 22M S21|46de
ring of vigour@ 15M S9|38de
small string bag [crystals]@ S16|74de
thin stick@ S34|41de
yellow wand@ S31|71de
Search Quow's Cow Bar Database:
(hint: can't find your item? try 'silk trousers' instead of 'black silk trousers', it may be listed as '[colour] silk trousers' due to random colours etc.)

[default] [set default] [set default]