Quow's Moo Stuff:
Quow Go Moo

Plugin Overview

Pre-Configured MUSHclient
MUSH 5.06 Disc Package

Screenreader Portable Pack

Mushclient Plugins
Cow Bar & Minimap v4.94

Spellcheck & Mindspace v3.11

Mission & Job Timers v1.21

Klein Bottle Helper v0.06

EFF Stats & Advice v0.15

Sample Colour Triggers v0.07

Simple Web-Tools:
Quow's Cow Search

Simple Mindspace Calc

Simple Spellcheck

Quow's Cow Bar Database Search:
'single dragon and sword wall piece'
Description: This elegant wall piece comprises a long, slender sword with an elaborate hilt crafted in a miniature sun likeness in gold. Holding the blade upright, point towards the ground, is a large silver dragon, tail wrapped around the blade several times. Its wings are draped down its back to glide gracefully down the blade, almost as if caressing it. While highly stylised, the dragon is crafted with careful detail and much tiny fretwork, making it quite life-like at first glance. Seeing as that the blade cannot be pried loose from the dragon's claws and tail and that it probably would be about as useful in combat as a dull spoon, this wall piece has no real use but that for which it was designed: taking up space in a really elegant way.

Appraise: The single dragon and sword wall piece is about six inches long and about six inches wide. It is made of some unidentifiable material and could be placed as furniture.

Weight: about five pounds

1: Sto-Lat - Dragon Emporium@ A$148.87

No NPCs recorded with item

Search Quow's Cow Bar Database:
(hint: can't find your item? try 'silk trousers' instead of 'black silk trousers', it may be listed as '[colour] silk trousers' due to random colours etc.)

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