Quow's Moo Stuff:
Quow Go Moo

Plugin Overview

Pre-Configured MUSHclient
MUSH 5.06 Disc Package

Screenreader Portable Pack

Mushclient Plugins
Cow Bar & Minimap v4.95

Spellcheck & Mindspace v3.20

Mission & Job Timers v1.21

Klein Bottle Helper v0.06

EFF Stats & Advice v0.20

Sample Colour Triggers v0.08

Simple Web-Tools:
Quow's Cow Search

Simple Mindspace Calc

Simple Spellcheck

Simple SpellChecker

This is a simple and quick way to lookup basic spellcheck info on any spell, using data from my Spellcheck & Mindspace plugin for MUSHclient.
Lookup Spellcheck Data:
Spell Acronym/Name:
Spellcheck Data For: Banishing of Prying Eyes
Mindspace=5.  GP=25 (1 thaums)
It is categorised as Defensive

This is a witch spell.

Skill        Fail ->->->->->->->->->->->-> Equal ->->->->->->->->->->->- Success
air         122   122   125   131   138   142   149   156   171   195   224   
banishing   122   122   125   131   138   142   149   156   171   195   224   
abjuring    122   122   125   131   138   142   149   156   171   195   224   

Offensive Wizzard Spells:
Spellname: Acronym: Mindspace: GP-Cost:
Kelleflump's Irritating DemonKID2030
Pragi's Lost GazePLG3055
G'flott's Olfactory NightmareGON3040
Fiddelmaker's Auriferous EmbraceFAE2050
Malich's Penetrating Ocular LanceMPOL510
Narquin's Mist of DoomNMD1530
Wungle's Great SuckingWGS3550
Frygellhan's Fiendish Orbit DisruptorFFOD1525
Effermhor's Hypersonic AssaultEHA3040
Calm Embrace of Illusionary BeautyCEIB2550
Wungle's Body Part SuggestionWBPS3025
Wonker's Wicked WobbleWWW4540
Von Hasselhoff's Skin ConditionVHSC3565
Kamikaze Oryctolagus FlammulaKOF3050
Nargl'frob's Empyrean SpearNES4560
Stacklady's Morphic ResonatorSMR4060
Sorsalsean's Seismic EruptionSSE4050
Mugwuddle's Muddling MirageMMM2555
Reckless Encouragement of Arcane PeacockREAP2065
Rugged Victor's Rodentia VivisectionRVRV1015
Old Bellicus' Brazen KnucklesOBBK2550
Myrandil's Vicious SeizureMVS3075
Memories of a Vicious ChickenMVC510
Pragi's Fiery GazePFG3040
Journey of the Heavenly Storm DragonJHSD75100
Skeetbraskin's Fuliginous PerditionSFP22020
Doctor Kelleflump's Deadly DemonDKDD6055
Defensive Wizzard Spells:
Spellname: Acronym: Mindspace: GP-Cost:
Grisald's Reanimated GuardianGRG4070
Kipperwald's Perlustration PreventionKPP1565
Sageroff's Sentry SummoningSSS23035
Sorklin's Field of ProtectionSFP1015
Transcendent Pneumatic AlleviatorTPA2545
Chrenedict's Corporeal CoveringCCC2560
Heezlewurst's Elemental BufferHEB3050
Endorphin's Floating FriendEFF2030
Misc Wizzard Spells:
Spellname: Acronym: Mindspace: GP-Cost:
A Cup of Tea and SakeCTS525
Dismal Digit of DoomDDD1030
Finneblaugh's Thaumic FloatFTF2040
Friddlefrod's Hydratic ExtrusionFHE1010
Patient Taming of the Quantum Weather ButterflyPTQWB5085
Gillimer's Ring of Temperate WeatherGRTW25100
Al'Hrahaz's Scintillating BlorplerAHSB2590
Eringyas' Surprising BouquetESB1010
Boolywog's Forbidden PleasuresBFP1025
Duander's Thaumic Luminosity DisperserDTLD2030
Fyodor's Nimbus of PorterageFNP3575
Professor Flambardie's Grim AmuletPFGA50200
Jogloran's Portal of Cheaper TravelJPCT20100
Crondor's Mysterious SparklingCMS40150
Jorodin's Magnificent CommunicatorJMC2050
Bifram's Amazing FireworksBAF1550
Torqvald's Many ColoursTMC1015
Malich's AshkEnte Summoning IncantationMASI60120
Thousand Dancing Celestial FatesTDCF2050
Malich's AshkEnte CircleMAC1020
Torqvald's Illusion GeneratrixTIG50100
Independent Recurring VocaliserIRV515
Brassica Oleracea AmbulataBOA1025
Rubayak's Power StorageRPS3040
Turnwhistle's Effulgent AutiridescenceTEA10150
Atmospheric Inscription WonderAIW2580
Union of the Phoenix and Divine DragonUPDD2550
Worstler's Elementary Mineralogical GlanceWEMG510
Worstler's Advanced Metallurgical GlanceWAMG1520
Fabrication Classification IdentificationFCI1545
Booch's Extremal PolymorphismBEP5070
Wurphle's Midnight SnackWMS2535
Wurphle's Packed LunchWPL10300
Amazing Silicate BlorplerASB510
Ellamandyr's Hyaline AmuletEHA21015
Grisald's Chilly TouchGCT510
Narquin's Hand of AcquisitionNHA3040
Crondor's Fabulous DetectionCFD1025
Floron's Fabulous MirrorFFM1540
Master Woddeley's Luminescent CompanionMWLC1015
Doctor Worblehat's Flaming Primate PremonitionDWFPP25100
Scolorid's Scintillating ScribblingSSS1010
Gryntard's Feathery RelieverGFR2560
Brother Happalon's Elementary EnchantingBHEE535
Yordon's Extremal ExtensionYEE3570
Rubayak's Power DispenserRPD520
Pragi's Molten GazePMG1020
Master Glimer's Amazing Glowing ThingMGAGT30150
Polliwiggle's Puissancy ProbePPP1015
Objandeller's Thaumic FunnelOTF1515
Collatrap's Instant Pickling StickCIPS1020
Crondor's Marvellous SequestrationCMS260350
Myrandil's Mask of DeathMMD1030
Cherry Blossoms in BloomCBB1025
Feyfirkin's Errant Trainee Collection HerbageFETCH25200
Luquayle's Longevity-Enhancing BallastLLEB35150
Ridcully's Travelling Furniture ManufactoryRTFM1050
Ralstorphine's Refreshing DraughtRRD525
Witch Spells:
Spellname: Acronym: Mindspace: GP-Cost:
Banishing of Loquacious SpiritsBLS520
Grammer Scorbic's Household GuardGSHG2050
Wee Flaudia's Fluffy Ear MuffsWFFEM1030
Mother Twinter's Yarrow EnchantmentMTYE560
Mother Harblist's Fruity FlyerMHFF60200
Mother Feelbright's Busy BeesMFBB6060
Mother Brynda's Call of GravityMBCG2050
Mama Kolydina's Instant InfestationMKII4570
Mama Blackwing's Potent PreserverMBPP2075
Hag's BlessingHB1025
Granny Benedict's Bond of LoyaltyGBBL5080
Gammer Shorga's Clever CreeperGSCC2070
Banishing of Unnatural UrgesBUU525
Banishing of Prying EyesBPE525
Gammer Tumult's AmalgamatorGTA2045
Gammer Shorga's Helpful UndergrowthGSHU2570
Delusions of GrandeurDOG50100
Biddy Amble's Bee BuzzerBABB60200
Goodie Whemper's Apple DivinationGWAD2040
Granny Beedle's Cooperative CreditsGBCC4060
Granny Lipintense's Layer of LardGLLL1030
Nanny Revere's Traitorous TalismanNRTT5080