Mindspace=10. GP=30 (2 thaums) It is categorised as Miscellaneous It is found in 'Ae Thouesand and Onne Thyngs ae Boye cann Do with Corpse Partes' - 'skin-bound grimoire'. UU Library: 55 Thaums (row 11, column 5). Skill Fail ->->->->->->->->->->->-> Equal ->->->->->->->->->->->- Success enchanting 81 81 88 98 105 112 121 128 147 169 200 healing 84 84 93 103 108 115 126 131 150 171 203 summoning 107 107 115 123 130 136 147 152 171 192 220 binding 115 115 123 131 138 144 155 160 179 200 228 abjuring 123 123 131 139 146 152 163 168 187 208 236