Mindspace=20. GP=30 (4 thaums) It is categorised as Miscellaneous It is found in 'Spelles of thee Arte of Fyre' - 'slightly charred grimoire'. UU Library: 25 Thaums (row 5, column 7). Skill Fail ->->->->->->->->->->->-> Equal ->->->->->->->->->->->- Success chanting 17 17 25 31 40 46 58 64 82 103 145 fire 49 49 58 67 76 82 91 97 115 136 175 channeling 52 52 61 70 79 85 94 100 118 139 178 banishing 91 91 100 112 117 123 133 139 160 175 210